So, I have never blogged before and now I think might be a good time. How to start? Maybe I should start with how my parents met? No, that isn't what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about does have to do with family though. My mother passed when I was young and came from a very well off European Family. Since my mother passing away I have not known her family or cousins up until a few years ago when we found each other on the internet. Geneology seems to run in our blood so I found my mother's father's family and so on. I have just been informed by this family that my mother had a minor royal title. I won't mention the country because I am writing this blog kind of as a social experiment as to what will happen if I use the royal title, since it apparently passed to me.
I just wanted to start out by saying that I fully respect royalty and do not take the title lightly but it is a bankrupt title with no land but the actual name. So I have no entourage or benefits but also means I have no real responsibility to the title. I come from a well off family. My mother's family was into oil and before he retired my father was a CFO of a fortune 500 business but not equal to what most would consider "Royalty".
At last those counteless hours of ettiquette and ballroom dancing classes that my mother forcced me to take made a little, not a lot, but a little more sense. With that said, what does one do with a royal title with no one around to really show them what is proper etiquette with the title.
I don't intend to introduce myself as the Baroness XXXXX-XX to just anyone I meet and what is a title if no one knows about it. With this in mind I decided to do a social expiriment and blog about how the use or non use of the name effects certain social interactions. My first use of the name will be when I check into a very upscale hotel in NYC. I am intrigued to see if it really makes a difference.
The history of the Title: The title was created in the mid 1800's and passed to my family in the early 1900's because the title holder, after bankrupting the title with thier esoteric lifestyle, died with no heirs and it passed to the eldest male in the family which was my mother's father.
I am proud to find such a unique part of my heritage and view it like any other fun little genealogical tidbit. However, it also makes me said because my mother is not around to guide me or to chat about it. When I found out about this title I went through a few stages. One was shock, that lasted for about a day off and on. Like I said, I may be "royalty" but I still have a job and go to lawschool so I don't exactly have hours upon hours to ponder what all of it means or how it fits into the mystery of life. The surprising part of it all is that I really have no clue what a baroness does or what "it" even is. The only encounter with a Baroness I ever had was playing the Baroness in the Sound of Music.
Somehow, prancing around in 1940's clothes and smoking a cigar did not seem to be the appropriate course of action. Then I was struck with a brilliant idea. Where is the one place in the world that I could turn to and be educated properly on royalty. DISNEY. Yes, those movies have instructed countless generations of young girls on how to be a princess. I avidly went to Blockbuster eager to begin my new education. Sleeping Beauty would be a good start. I love that movie but alas no Baroness role models for me to emulate. There are no Disney movies that have a Baroness in them that I know of and I would welcome any suggestions as to if anyone knows a Disney movie.
My next step is that I need to tell my husband because accoring to the title he is now the Baron XXX-XXXX. I will report back and tell you how that goes.
Also I want input on my social expirement. Please post ideas of how I should use or not use the title and I will do some of suggested situation and report back.
I just wanted to start out by saying that I fully respect royalty and do not take the title lightly but it is a bankrupt title with no land but the actual name. So I have no entourage or benefits but also means I have no real responsibility to the title. I come from a well off family. My mother's family was into oil and before he retired my father was a CFO of a fortune 500 business but not equal to what most would consider "Royalty".
At last those counteless hours of ettiquette and ballroom dancing classes that my mother forcced me to take made a little, not a lot, but a little more sense. With that said, what does one do with a royal title with no one around to really show them what is proper etiquette with the title.
I don't intend to introduce myself as the Baroness XXXXX-XX to just anyone I meet and what is a title if no one knows about it. With this in mind I decided to do a social expiriment and blog about how the use or non use of the name effects certain social interactions. My first use of the name will be when I check into a very upscale hotel in NYC. I am intrigued to see if it really makes a difference.
The history of the Title: The title was created in the mid 1800's and passed to my family in the early 1900's because the title holder, after bankrupting the title with thier esoteric lifestyle, died with no heirs and it passed to the eldest male in the family which was my mother's father.
I am proud to find such a unique part of my heritage and view it like any other fun little genealogical tidbit. However, it also makes me said because my mother is not around to guide me or to chat about it. When I found out about this title I went through a few stages. One was shock, that lasted for about a day off and on. Like I said, I may be "royalty" but I still have a job and go to lawschool so I don't exactly have hours upon hours to ponder what all of it means or how it fits into the mystery of life. The surprising part of it all is that I really have no clue what a baroness does or what "it" even is. The only encounter with a Baroness I ever had was playing the Baroness in the Sound of Music.
Somehow, prancing around in 1940's clothes and smoking a cigar did not seem to be the appropriate course of action. Then I was struck with a brilliant idea. Where is the one place in the world that I could turn to and be educated properly on royalty. DISNEY. Yes, those movies have instructed countless generations of young girls on how to be a princess. I avidly went to Blockbuster eager to begin my new education. Sleeping Beauty would be a good start. I love that movie but alas no Baroness role models for me to emulate. There are no Disney movies that have a Baroness in them that I know of and I would welcome any suggestions as to if anyone knows a Disney movie.
My next step is that I need to tell my husband because accoring to the title he is now the Baron XXX-XXXX. I will report back and tell you how that goes.
Also I want input on my social expirement. Please post ideas of how I should use or not use the title and I will do some of suggested situation and report back.
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